
Saturday, May 29, 2010


So, after falling asleep last night at 10pm with what looked to be the start of a migraine, I woke up completely refreshed this morning at 9am with a package waiting for me! 11 hours of sleep and a package? What a great start to my day! I opened it and voila! (aka waaalaaaa, cuz my sis hates that! LOL) my new Brooks running shoes!

So, I charged my ipod this morning, put on my running shoes and headed off to do Week 1 Day 1 of Couch 2 5K. Again, haha. And the shoes made a difference. Well, so did running on the treadmill. But that helped in more than one way. The impact is obviously greater when you're running on a hard surface, so the treadmill was softer, which helped the shin splints... I could hardly feel them. That also helped my endurance. The treadmill also helped the fact that I could hold onto the bars like a dork and watch my feet when I run. But I noticed something. I tend to run on my tiptoes and I'm bow-legged so I turn my right foot in a tad when I'm running. So automatically, I try to correct that and my legs feel so much better! Haha. I made it through the whole 30 minute workout... just a tad pink and a whole lot of sweatiness going on but I finished!

So, now I just need to stay motivated. I'm gonna go buy a scale with my next paycheck so I can weigh myself. I have never in my life lived by a scale and I never really cared if I weighed a few pounds more, but now that my thyroid has exploded and I've gained all this weight, I need and want to keep an eye on it.

Anyway, gonna go grab some yogurt and an orange for a late bfast then start getting ready for work!



  1. Yay! I am glad the new shoes and the treadmill helped!

  2. Shoes are by far the most important! I had a really cheap pair of Nike's when I first started to run, and my MIL (who's an 8-time marathoner) just about yanked my head off! She recommended Asics, and that's also what hubby wears for PT and everyone loves them. They make running so much easier on my body! Glad you got some good ones!

  3. Brooks are her 2nd favorite, too!
