
Monday, April 26, 2010


So I just found an AMAZING podcast with lots of awesome music for C25K. Which I'm supposed to be starting today, if I had downloaded the podcasts and uploaded them to Chris' ipod last night like I planned on doing. Instead I was so absorbed in my book that I totally spaced! But I'm doing that right now and I'm excited to run with all the motivating music.

I'm also super toked to start going to Zumba. I'm going to my first class on Wednesday with my girlfriend Caroline and I can't wait! I was looking so hard for Zumba classes that didn't require an actual gym membership to join, and I found one great one, and one at the YMCA. They do require memberships at the YMCA, but I figure there's a lot of other things there, versus 24 Hr Fitness that just has normal exercise equipment and a buncha meatheads. They have Zumba classes too, but only one night a week at most gyms. Their rate is $29.99 a month, nothing down right now, but I still would rather pay as I go than pay a monthly membership that I may not use.

Anyway, I need to get running before Chris gets off work so I'll write again soon. I swear not all my blogs are gonna be about working out haha. I will have more time tomorrow to write to I'll try to update more about my life then.

Catch ya later, dudes!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh, and please forgive the ugly plain-ness of the blog. I will try to find time to add all the gadgets and doodads and make it prettyful over the coming week. For now, I'm overheating in bed next to my love (he's my own personal electric blanket! heavenly in winter, scorchingly hot in the warmer months =p) and need to cool down and watch my DVR'd shows. Much love, peeps!


My "first" blog!

So after being a livejournal user for most of my blogging years (all 8 of them!) I've transitioned to Blogspot. Definitely not permanently, because I'm still quite attached to my good old el-jay, but this will be more for my public posts that I wish to share with anyone who thinks I'm interesting enough to follow!

One of the biggest things that I'm going to blog about here is the changes in my health and fitness! I've already started eating healthier and cutting portions, especially with the snacking. I'm also going to use Chris to motivate me, as well as my amazing friends! I'm going to go to weekly Zumba classes (at a local Hula School) and I'm beginning the Couch to 5K program on Monday as well. I'm hoping to become a morning runner, since Chris' schedule is early anyway. That cuts into a lot of my internetting time, sniff sniff, but I'll be much happier when I lose all this weight and can finally fit into all my cute designer jeans, and smaller tops, and finally have cute boobs! I hate having huge boobies! Hahaha.

Anyway, my goal is to lose 20-30 pounds within the next 3-4 months. I know it will be hard and some people may say that's an unhealthy amount to lose within such a "short" amount of time, but I'm not normally a chubby girl and this weight does not belong on my body. I'm incredibly motivated to get back to a healthy weight, feel more confidant about my body, and actually fit into clothes nicely! And that determination will drive me to complete my daily and weekly exercises, eat healthy, and continue on this healthy path of life.

Anyway, I'll write more later!
